Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I did a photo shoot with my friend Anna last week and this is one of the shots that I absolutely love. I'll be posting more of the edits soon!
My church, The North Fork United Methodist Church, held their annual scallop dinner this year and I had photographed the event like I have done in the past. Except this year was different. I was approached by a journalist from The Suffolk Times. She was writing an article about the church and wanted some photos for the article. This is one of the photographs I sent her. I call it artsy pie.
I had the amazing opportunity to photograph this gorgeous family for their beautiful daughter Aughbriegh's baptism. I loved the experience and I feel honored to have been able to document this day for the family. They loved the photos along with this one. I guess that means I did my job correctly right?
I love taking photos like this. I love how the tree is a silhouette against the coloring of the sky. Summer sunsets always create amazing photos in my opinion and this photograph helps prove that.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Here are some photographs that I took on my last trip to disney. These are probably my two most favorote shots from the whole trip.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Concert Photography

This past thursday I got to photograph a concert for the bands Tonight Alive and Mayday Parade. I love both of these bands and have photographed them before but i believe that this photos came out so much better than before.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's another horse photograph. I know you're probably sick of them but I love them. This is one of my favorite because of how the sun is coming behind the horses and how both horses are looking in the same direction.